Encouraging Inperson and Virtual Service
Over last few years we have been serving our church through different ways of worship, due to the pandemic. We really want to encourage everyone to start to come to church. For those who wish to view virtually, starting January 29th, only the live stream link to view the service will be sent out. Please keep this link handy as this link is the same link used every Sunday to view the service at 10:30a.m. The link of the recorded service will be sent out electronically after service. To receive the bulletin/sermon electronically, please email Lina at weunitedchurch@hotamil.com. All services can be viewed on our website at www.weunitedchurch.com
앞으로는 대면 예배를 권고드립니다!
팬데믹으로 인해서 지난 몇년 동안 여러가지 방식으로 예배를 드렸었는데,
앞으로는 대면 예배를 권고드립니다. 1월 29일부터는 실시간 예배링크만 보내드립니다. 예배후에는 녹화된 예배를 보실 수 있습니다. 설교를 받기를 원하시면 리나한테 이메일 보내주시길 부탁드립니다.